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Pre-Game Skill Development -- The first 15 minutes of game time will be used for warm-up and skill development. The home team will take the field and work on a fielding skill (e.g., fielding ground balls, fielding pop flies, what to do if you’re an outfielder…). The visiting team will work on the sidelines on a hitting skill. (e.g., proper stance, level swing, running to first, running from first to second …)

Tee Ball Game Rules

1.      The Tee Ball (T-Ball) League will normally consist of four (4), five (5), and (6) year-olds unless there are special circumstances for older children. Games should follow a format similar to regular baseball games. Managers shall alert opposing team’s managers & players to move infielders back to a deeper field depth for any batter with the potential to hit harder or farther than an average player. Any player, who represents a danger to the safety of the other participants because of size and/or ability, shall be brought to the attention of PLL who will determine the player’s possible re-assignment and if necessary, inform the parents of the League's decision.

2.      Only Little League-approved soft Tee Ball baseballs may be used. NO hardballs are allowed.

3.      All batters and base runners shall wear a Little League-approved helmet.  NO batter shall take practice swings or wait on deck with a bat in hand before batting.  All players waiting to bat shall remain in the dugout.

4.      The home team shall have the first base side of the field during games, and the Away team shall have the third base side of the field during games.  Use at least two coaches while the team is at bat: one to assist the batter and one to line up the children in the batting order and assist the next batter in getting ready. Additional coaches may assist as necessary. 

5.      Players should bat off a tee. For safety, only a coach sets the ball on the tee. Please remind kids they are not to swing the bat unless they are standing at the plate. If during the progression of the season the coach feels a player can hit a pitched ball, the coach may pitch the ball overhand to those players. At no time will a pitching machine be used. Live pitching should only be done if safe to do so. 

6.      The entire team shall take the field for defense.  Fill each infield position, including pitcher and first, before filling the outfield.  Four (4) outfielders shall be allowed.  Add extra player(s) behind 2nd base and centerfield, spread out evenly.  NO player shall play catcher.  Keep the infielders back to at least the baseline.  After the play is over, the closest Coach to the ball should instruct the fielder to throw the ball to the pitcher who should then throw it to the Coach on the opposing team who is helping the batter.

7.      Teach the players about positioning … don’t let them cross the field chasing a ball or bunch up around a base. Teach them how to back up a play and where to go (cover a base, back up …) when the ball is not hit to them.

8.      There will be no strikeouts, base stealing, or base leading allowed.

9.      Game length will be no more than 90 minutes or three (3) innings. An inning will end when all players on both teams have batted.

10.   Coaches will be responsible to cancel and re-schedule games due to inclement weather or field conditions.

11.   Managers and/or Coaches should be on the playing field to explain and encourage proper fielding & throwing form and to show them the proper procedure for play.  

12.   The entire team roster shall constitute the batting order for each inning. It is acceptable to move players in the lineup so the same child is not always last.   

13.   No defensive player shall play the same position for more than one (1) inning per game. All players must play at least one (1) inning in the infield per game.   Managers shall rotate players through the field positions, as best they can.

14.   Outfielders cannot make an out by tagging a runner or stepping on a base.  They must throw the ball back to an infielder.  

15.   The batter cannot be tagged out while running to 1st base after the ball is hit.  The fielders must throw the ball to 1st base in order to record an out.  Once the batter reaches 1st base he/she becomes a runner and from that point on an out can be recorded by tagging the runner or stepping on a base for a force-out.

16.   If a hit ball travels less than (5) feet from the tee it is a foul ball.

17.   The ball shall be live after it is hit into fair territory and shall remain live until it is returned to the infield. The ball shall be considered dead when it reaches the baseline between first and second bases or the baseline between second and third bases. Once the ball is judged dead, the play is stopped, runners still advancing to a base may continue to the next base if they have advanced at least halfway to that base. If the runner is not halfway to the next base, then he must return to the previous base. 

18.   On plays where the ball is overthrown in the infield, allow the runner to advance one base only. One base is allowed runner(s) on an errant throw that goes into foul territory.

19.   Coaches should announce to the fielding team when the last batter comes up to bat. When the last batter hits the ball, runners will run all bases until the last batter reaches home. Once the last batter is home, the ball is declared dead the at-bat is over. 

20.   Managers and coaches shall use proper baseball terms when explaining baseball fundamentals with the players.

21.   There will be no forfeits in the T-Ball League.  A team can play with a minimum of 5 players on the field.  Players may be borrowed from the opposing team if necessary to complete the opposing team.

22.   There is no score recording in T-Ball.
23.   Coaches are responsible to ensure that their side of the field and areas used by spectators are clean of trash at the end of the game.
24.   Parents and Coaches are expected to act like adults and be respectful to everyone. 
25.   Please remember these are kids.  We are here to make it FUN.  So, please have FUN!

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