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Here are some frequently asked questions that people ask us.

Q: Who calls games due to weather? 


A:It can be made by the league and/or the coach. Most time the decision is made by the league based on the forecast. We try to make the decision around 3pm. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we get it wrong. We always put the kids safety and wellbeing first. There are times that a coach may decide to cancel a game when the league does not. If coaches cancel games, we ask that they let the concession stand manager know.  


Q: Our team has a lot of games scheduled but no practices, why?


A: It depends on the division. The league generates a schedule via computer for each division. Some teams have an odd number of teams which creates a bye in the schedule. Most coaches use the bye night as a practice night. Since the coach knows their team best, we let the coaches determine if they want to hold a practice or not. For t-ball, the first 30-45 minutes are supposed to be for practice where the kids can work on their skills. Then the kids will play a couple inning game to apply their skills. 


Q: When does the season end?


A: Mid June, right around the same time school lets out.


Q: What happens if no one works our concession duty?


A: Your game will be stopped until parents step up to help. The league needs the concession stand to survive. We only ask for a few volunteers to work the stand a couple nights out of the season. The majority of the board members work the stand 3-4 nights a week, every week.


Q: What do we need to do in the concession stand?


A: Generally, volunteers wait on people up, get food, and help cleanup. There is almost always a league point of contact there to answer any questions and to help things run smooth. Occasionally we will need a cook in the back if the concession stand manager is absent. 

Q: Can my child volunteer in the concession stand and does it count towards volunteer hours?


A: Yes! We welcome any responsible children who are older and willing to help in the concession stand. We believe in teaching children proper work ethic and this is a great way to learn and show them how they can help give back to the community. As a non-profit 501-C3 non-profit, any time spent volunteering does count towards volunteer hours for school and community service. We will sign off on volunteer forms if needed. 


Q: Can teams switch concession stand nights? 


A: Yes! Teams May switch with another team if both teams agree to the switch. However, the logistics of changing falls on the teams. The League will not find or arrange team swaps. We do you ask that we are notified of any swaps so that the schedule can be updated. You can contact the league or concession stand manager.

Q: Does the concession stand take credit cards?


A: Yes! The concession stand accepts Visa & Mastercard as well as Apple and Google Pay. 


Q: Why do the registration fees seem so high? 


A: Compared to other leagues in our area, they are not. We have maintained our lower prices for several years. Additionally, the league sponsors several children each year who may not be able to afford it to play. Other leagues charge upwards of $80 or $100 plus per child, and that is for the lower leagues as well. PLL makes no money on registration. In 2019, our uniform cost was over $6,000 alone. The initial start up before the first pitch is thrown is over $10,000. In 2022, the cost of everything have skyrocketed as most people know. Our startup fees for 2022 were over $12,000! 


Q: If a Parent feels they have an issue who do they contact? 


A: Not a public blast on social media! The league volunteers work very hard to accommodate everyone and their request, as well as to make sure everyone has a great experience. Unfortunately, sometimes things happen. When they do, we do our best to make the best decision possible for everyone. If you have an issue or suggestion, any board member will be glad to assist you. We happily welcome suggestions on how to improve our league. A complete list of board members along with phone numbers is available on the league website.


Q: Who travels for games?


A: Traditionally, only the older divisions have traveled in the past. The majority of our games are played at home. There are a few games that will be played away for the 9-12 division. The coach pitch division does not generally travel, however, if the coaches want to travel for a tournament or game arranged with a different league, it is possible. All softball and junior league baseball divisions travel. 

Q: When are game days?

A: Games are held Monday through Thursday. T-ball plays on Monday & Wednesday. Coach Pitch & 9-12 play on Tuesday & Thursdays. All games start at 6pm

Q: Why are there no games on Saturdays?

A:Many people know that little league was traditionally played on Saturday mornings. Over the years, parents ran into conflicts with Saturdays. Scheduling conflicts became even more prevalent as travel ball grew. As most travel ball parents know, those games are played on weekends. When a family had one kid in travel ball and another in little league, often times they had to choose one or the other. The decision was made to move games during the week to free up parents on weekends. Some parents also preferred to have their Saturdays for family time. Finally, getting volunteers from any team on a Saturday was exceptionally difficult. So in the end, the decision was made to consolidate everything to Monday through Thursday to maximize time and convenience for everyone. 

Q: Does the little league receive outside funding?

A: NO! Pocomoke Little League is a self-sustaining entity and is responsible for generating all income. 

Q: Is Pocomoke Little League a registered non-profit? 

A: Yes! Pocomoke Little League is a registered 501-C3 with the IRS. 

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