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Coach Pitch

Coach Pitch is an instructional division. The intent is to teach players the foundation of baseball. Safety is first and foremost.

1. Each game should be 4 innings long with a time limit of 1 hour 30 minutes. No new inning will begin after 1 hour and 30 minutes. Once started both the bottom and top of the inning will be completed.

2. Coaches should pitch from the pitcher’s mound to replicate an actual pitcher.

3. Coaches should develop a batting order and the beginning of the season and rotate the lead­off hitter to the last spot of the order after each game. This will ensure equal opportunity to lead­off and will help players remember their spot in the order.

4. The offensive team will have four (4) coaches on the field. 1 st base, 3 rd base, pitcher, catcher’s assistant.

5. A batted ball must travel beyond 5 feet in front of home plate to be a fair ball. The pitching coach will make the call for fair balls.

6. The batter is allowed 7 pitches from the coach. No exceptions will be made for bad pitches. If the seventh pitch is fouled off, the player will get an eighth pitch and can continue receiving pitches if fouled off. If the batter doesn’t hit a fair ball within the allotted pitches the batter will then hit off the tee until they hit a fair ball. Coaches must encourage their players to make an effort to hit pitches.

7. Batters & runners may advance as many bases as possible until the ball has reached the infield. Once the ball has reached the infield, base runners must stop at the next nearest base.

8. Runners may not advance to the next base due to an overthrow.

9. No leading off or stealing is permitted.

10. A base runner running to first base must touch the orange safety base on a contested play at first base.

11. The pitching coach will have the final say on all close plays. When in doubt, the player will be called safe.

12. Runs Per Inning – Only five (5) runs are permitted per inning. An inning ends with three outs or five runs, whichever comes first.

13. Ten (10) players on the field on defense. Players may only be positioned in the four (4) standard infield positions in addition to the pitcher and catcher. The remaining four (4) players must be positioned in the outfield grass. Additional players will remain on the bench while their team is on defense.

14. Players must change positions every inning and should rotate between infield and outfield positions. Coaches should make an effort to ensure that each player has an equal opportunity to play each position throughout the season. The only exception is in the event that a coach feels that it’s unsafe for a player to field a particular position. In that case, the reason must be communicated to the player's parents if asked.

15. Teams may choose to field a catcher in full catcher’s gear if the coach feels it is safe and practical to do so.

16. Two (2) defensive coaches should position themselves behind the baseline in the outfield.

17. The defensive team must remain on the field until there are three (3) out until the last batter has crossed home plate.

18. Batters must wear a helmet that covers both ears. It is recommended that the helmet have a face mask, although not required.

19. Little League Regulations prohibit on­deck batters.

20. The League will provide Official Little League baseballs will be used in games and practices.

21. Only Little League approved bats will be used in games and practices. Bat rules are available at

22. Anyone not registered with the league shall not be allowed on the field.

23. Balls should never be hit into fences. Players should never climb fences.

24. Rainouts will be made up at the coaches’ discretion. Coaches should follow the league procedures to reschedule.

25. All coaches must adhere to the “Coaches Code of Conduct” or they will not be allowed to coach.

26. All parents must adhere to the “Parents Code of Conduct” or they will be asked to leave. 

Here is a link to the LL Coach Pitch 12-week program guide. While our league does not follow this guide, you may find some helpful drills and skills listed. 
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